Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Quick Update

How’s this for a twist:  Jim and I are taking an average of 500 to 600 pictures between us every day, and I don’t have anything ready to post for the blog!  Every morning, I get up way too early to be ready to turn in my flash drive to the Escapees Director so she can go through them and prepare a slide show for that afternoon.  So, later on down the road, after we catch our breath, I will catch up with our own pictures!

Our days are full here at the Escapade, making sure we get to each location we’ve been asked to photograph.  It’s a good job for us, even though we have several places to be, we get to pop in and out!

I’ve attended the beginner’s session of line dancing for the past couple of mornings, but I still can’t convince Jim how much fun it is and that he should try it too.  Maybe one of these days…

We still have time to visit with our friends, and even got to spend a few minutes catching up with Linda and Howard Payne of RV-Dreams, who surprised us by showing up here, even though they were not expected.  They arrived Sunday evening and had to leave early Tuesday morning, but it was great to see them!

One of our readers asked if I could provide the model and ordering information for Jim’s new recliner.  Since the company that made it is Amish, they don’t have a web site, but I can provide a link to a company who does carry the Lambright “Lazy Relaxor Swivel Wall Hugger Recliner”.  Check out Bradd & Hall’s web site, they do have contact information as well as a description of this and other Lambright pieces.  They are a family business located in Elkhart, Indiana and they do carry several brands of RV and marine furniture.

I’m off to another seminar session to take more pictures!

1 comment:

Barb said...

I've taken line dancing lessons, too. It took a bit of coaxing, but I did it. Great exercise and lots of fun.

Nothing sexier than a man country dancin' - if they only knew. :)
