Friday, September 17, 2010

Through The Windshield

Ellie 021

The 50th Escapade is History!  It was a great experience, and we’re both very glad we did it, but we’re also glad to be viewing our world through the windshield once again!

True to form, neither of us slept through the night.  I kept waking up, wondering if it was time to get up and get ready to travel.  We somehow did manage to delay getting up until after 6:30, a luxury after the past few days of waking up to an alarm going off at 5:15!

It was probably a little after 8:00 when people were out and about, telling each other “See you down the road”.  We had one more flash drive to deliver to the Escapade office and we did that in conjunction with the last dog walk before taking off.  I know we missed saying goodbye to several people who didn’t make it over to see us before we left, so “we’ll miss you until we meet up again!”

In spite of the number of rigs getting on the road at about the same time, we had no problem getting out of our space and out on the road at 9:00.  We took the long way out to go south, we took Highway 33 to Highway 6 East to I-69 South near Fort Wayne, Indiana.  That took us to the loop around Indianapolis and I-65, which we followed all the rest of the day.

After we got on I-69, I took my turn at the wheel:

Ellie 015

And Jim found an old barn to photograph:

Ellie 019

We stopped at a Love’s Travel Stop along the southern portion of Indiana, and pulled in to the truck lanes, where we usually go.  Even though we sometimes pay a higher price when we use the truck lanes because we’re not a commercial vehicle, we feel it’s worth it to not hassle with the car lanes at most gas stations.  Today we had a new experience – the Love’s “could not” turn on the pump at the truck lane unless we have a DOT number.  Hmmmm….there was a Pilot across the street, so rather than try to maneuver into a too-small car lane, we just drove across the street and pulled in to the Pilot Truck Stop.  No problem there!  Yes, we did have a to pay a few cents a gallon more, but we now have a full tank again.  It’s strange, we usually have had much better luck at Love’s than Pilot, but I guess you just never know.

Otherwise we had a smooth travel day and made our way to:

Ellie 033

Yes, we waved when we drove through Louisville:

Ellie 035 

We’ll spend a few days at Grandma’s RV Park south of Louisville.  Jim wants to tour some area distilleries, and I’m sure I saw a sign for a winery around here someplace!

We traveled 325 miles in 6.5 hours today and got about 9.5 mpg.

More windshield time coming up!


Mark and Dortha said...

Sorry we missed you this morning. Have fun and maybe we will see you in Birmingham.

Leno said...

We missed saying goodbye but will see you in a few weeks in Tn..
Travel safely....

KarenInTheWoods said...

Yup, I guess Love's doesn't want the RVer diesel business then. After all, we have these huge 110 gallon tanks that we can fill up just as easy at the Pilot, right?

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Debbie Goode said...

We will be glad to see Indiana in our rear view mirror....heading out in about 6 more weeks. It has been a long summer and we are so ready to be "on the road" again. Safe journey...looking good behind the wheel!!

Unknown said...

On behalf of Love's, I apologize for your inconvenience at our location. We do appreciate your business and would like the opportunity to correct our error. Please let us know what we can do to improve your future stops! You can always reach our customer service at 1-800-OKLOVES or at

Thanks again for your business!

Kate said...

You look like a natural behind the wheel, Ellie!