Of all the activities on our To Do list for today, one got done. Jim fixed the lights. That sounds pretty easy, and it turned out to be a simple fix. The challenge came in trying to find out where the problem was. The first symptom was the "porch" light went out. We replaced the bulb, but it still didn't work. Jim checked every fuse panel -- there is one in the dash and 2 in the engine compartment. He practically rewired the whole 12 volt system trying to find out what was wrong. As I reported last night, instead of fixing one light, there were about 6 or more lights in the front part of the coach out. This morning, Jim was back at it, trying to figure it out. He was just about to go to town to buy more bulbs when he thought to look in the breaker box. Sure enough! There's another bank of fuses in there. He found the one that was blown and replaced it. All the lights worked! See? Easy fix!
I was getting ready to start the vacuum cleaner when he noticed it in my hands. That's it -- time to go to the store. I didn't vacuum much, but just the act of picking it up is enough to send him on some sort of errand.
When he got back, we took a break from chores and just relaxed. I never got to the laundry, or any of my other projects. But that's ok, tomorrow is another day.
Doc Justin's Diamond J RV Park is no longer a well-kept secret. We've watched rigs come in all day. I'd say there are probably less than 20 empty sites now. Just in the last hour 4 or 5 big rigs have pulled in and parked right across the street from us. No more view of the mountains from our front window.
I didn't take any new pictures today, these two are from our visit to the Saguaro National Park a few days ago.

We've had a nice, restful day.
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