Early this morning I woke to the sounds of engines and the sense of movement around me. All of the rigs that were scheduled for 7:00 this morning were on the move - all the way across the campground to the service bays. It was quite a parade of motor homes. For most of the day, there were quite a few empty sites here and people coming in and going out. Lots of activity around the place.
It wasn't long before 2 guys showed up at our door to investigate the situation with our DirecTV receiver. They hemmed and hawed for quite a while with no answer. We showed them the routine we go through every day now - reset the receiver and switch the cable from one input post to the other a couple of times before we get tv reception. They shook their heads and said they couldn't understand why that's happening. Eventually they went away to call someone at Kingdome. When they came back, the answer was that we need to buy a multi-switch and have it installed by one of the "after hours" guys. Hmmm.... stay tuned on that one.
After they left, I went off to find the closest Walmart and veteranarian's office to get the dogs some Frontline Plus. I got my prescription, a few groceries, the Frontline Plus for the dogs and drove the 25 miles back to Red Bay from Russellville, the next town over.
Just as I got the groceries put away, Norris, the scheduler, stopped in with our list of work to be done. We visited for awhile, he answered some of our questions and asked a few of his own. Finally he got up to leave and said they are about a week behind, and hoped we're not in a hurry. It looks like we'll be residents of the Allegro Campground for at least a week.
We went off in search of a place to grab some lunch and found a little out of the way barbeque place called Ezzells. That was some good barbeque! Very small town atmosphere, friendly family folks. We'll definitely be back there.
I managed to get the dogs showered this afternoon and will be doing their Frontline treatment this evening. I need to groom them, but with this weather, I may have to try doing it inside.
Not much excitment to our day, and I have a feeling we're in for a string of these. It's actually nice to not have hundreds of choices of things to do and see, at least for a little while.
No pictures of today, so I'm sharing a few more we took at the gardens at the Grand Hotel on Macinac Island:

Well I hope all gets done for you. I have to do all my own maint. I still have so much to do and so little time to do it in...Oh I will get it all done
Somewhere in Time
Glad to see you have arrived safely in Red Bay. Beautiful pics of the gardens Jim. I'm sure you are responsible for them! Enjoy that misty rain while you can, wish we would get some here. It has been too hot for my liking! Take care & enjoy your week.
Lee Ann & Larry
Jim and Ellie:
Great pictures. Sylvia and I will be in Red Bay Sept 16, We hope that your repairs move along well. Happy RVing.
We love the Allegro Bay.
Glenn & Sylviashfwiyr
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