Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Getting Settled in Chattanooga

Monday, September 29, 2008
Out of the Wild Mississippi Woods

I reached Rock Star level on one song!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Columbus, Mississippi
Here is our view of Town Creek from our site at the campground:

See you all next week!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Last Day in Red Bay - Again
We had picked a COE park southeast of Columbus, but after looking and thinking and discussing some more, now I believe we'll be going to a different COE park that is closer to Columbus. Jim will be on his own from Wed. until Sunday evening while I go "camping" with the girls. He will be closer to town at this park, so he can go to the store more often, or eat out if he chooses.
Today I played with the new camera a little bit. It's a lot different from the one I'm used to using. Practice is definitely needed. I'm used to the quick focus and steady action of the Canon and this little camera is a bit slower to react.
I did manage to get a couple of scene shots of the greenery in the surrounding neighborhood.
Dortha came by and we found a couple of places to go after they get done here in Red Bay and I finish my camping trip. We'll meet them in Chattanooga, TN for a week and then travel to Pigeon Forge for a few days. We couldn't get reservations for the full time we wanted to be in Pigeon Forge, so we'll just figure that out later.
Later this afternoon, we joined Dortha and Mark with their neighbors, Carolyn and John for a cookout. We had brats and burgers with all the fixin's. Jim made a peach cobbler dump cake which was very tasty. We had a fun time visiting and getting to know Carolyn and John. Too bad we didn't meet them sooner, as I'm sure we'd have more fun times.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Day Trip to Tupelo
Eventually we got going, though. We wanted to go to the surplus grocery store near Red Bay, so with Mark and Dortha, we stopped there for some shopping first. We picked up some pretty cheap canned goods that haven't reached their "sell by" date quite yet.
After the grocery run, we kept going and ended up in Tupelo with the idea of seeing Elvis Presley's birthplace. We didn't actually buy tickets to go inside, I guess we are not all big fans of Elvis. For me, it was more of a sense of just wanting to know where it is, I enjoy the scenery wherever we go.
Jim and Mark at the Elvis Plaque:

The"shotgun" house where Elvis was born in 1937:
Dortha and I pose by a statue of Elvis at 13:

Mark checked out the 1939 Plymouth, representing the car Elvis' family had:
We stopped at a Shoney's for lunch, I ordered a salad which I sent back because it was a bit unappetizing. Dortha and Jim both shared their sandwiches with me, so I sure did not go hungry!
Shopping was next on the list. We found a Dick's Sporting Goods, where I found a new pair of walking shoes. A Best Buy stop was next. Since I'm going to be kayaking next week, I decided a small digital camera might be better for me to take instead of the big Canon Rebel. I found a little one that wasn't too expensive, I will get that all figured out before next week.
While we were shopping, I got a call from Glenn, letting us know they needed to head back to their son's house due to a family matter. Sorry we didn't get to spend more time with them, but we'll get together again, I'm sure. Safe Travels, Glenn and Sylvia!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tourists in Northern Alabama

While we were looking for this bridge, we drove through the Tennessee Valley Authority Reservation. The Wilson Dam was closed, but we did see their service center and power plant.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Oops! Never Mind...
Last evening, after I hit the "Publish Post" button, Dortha, Mark, Sylvia, and Glenn joined us for an evening of football on tv, great conversation and snacks. Sometime in the conversation, we got around to talking about where we're going next. Plans got thrown out and we decided that we're going to stay here the rest of this week.
It isn't the most scenic campground we've ever stayed in, but the price is right. Now that we've been stamped out of the service area, we have to pay to stay here, but it's just $10 a night. We can take day trips to the things we haven't seen yet and actually afford the gas to get there.
I usually don't clean much the day before we travel, saving that chore for after we get parked. It's easier to clean as I do my inside set up. Besides which, traveling tends to get the rig pretty dusty anyway. But, since today turned out not to be a travel day, I did some cleaning chores. There's a strip of carpet in the driver-side slide out, and that needed attention. I moved everything off the carpet (except the computer desk which is bolted to the floor) and used my trusty Resolve spray carpet cleaner. It works pretty good for the type of cleaner it is. I also straightened things up and vacuumed.
Along with my usual dog walks, I've stayed pretty busy today. Glenn & Sylvia got into a service bay (they actually had an appointment), and got assigned a full hook-up site. When they got here yesterday, the office was having everyone go park on the runway until they knew what sites would be available. Dortha and Mark had their front end alignment scheduled this afternoon, so they are out and about.
Last evening I was talking to son Josh. I asked if he'd been up to the cabin recently. This cabin was purchased by my grandmother in the 1940's, and it's been in my family ever since. It's located off Highway 24 between Colorado Springs and Woodland Park. There is no electricity or running water, it's really very rustic. Anyway, he said yes, he has been there, and for the first time in his life, he saw a bear up there!
The weather has been just about perfect today, and it's been a great day!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Last Day in Red Bay
We took care of our paperwork this morning at the office, so we're "officially" finished with our service. We're staying one more night and will be leaving Camp Red Bay tomorrow. The only thing is, we still don't know exactly where we're going. We had tentatively planned to go on down to the area near Columbus, MS, but now we're considering going to the Lynchburg, TN area. Mark wants to go on a tour of the Jack Daniels distillery and we have a little time before we need to be in Columbus, so we might go ahead and wait for him and Dortha. They're making good progress on their list and may be out of here in the next day or two.
Glenn and Sylvia arrived and stopped by to visit early this afternoon. It was great to meet more RV-Dreamers. They, along with Dortha and Mark, are coming by this evening to watch a little Monday Night Football on our patio tv.
I stopped in to talk to Dortha and found her busy at her computer, taking care of some business:

Dortha, Glenn, Mark, Jim, and Sylvia, standing around visiting:
Glenn and Sylvia's Allegro Bay with one of their "furkids" laying in front:
It was time to head back to the Castle. Now it's time to prepare for the football game. I need to put some warmer clothes on, it's kind of chilly!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday in Red Bay
The warning never materialized and we only got some wind and a few rain showers. We never really had any sunshine today, but that's ok, we got off easy compared to a lot of places dealing with way too much right now.
I worked on my second time cutting my own hair this morning. I'm definitely not fast, but I think it looks at least presentable. Since I've been spending anywhere from $20 to $40 about every 5 weeks for haircuts, I figure I can save around $240 (or more) a year, hey that's about half a tank of diesel. Every little bit helps...
We had planned to do a burger cook-out today with Dortha and Mark. With the weather acting "iffy", we proposed that they come up here and we grill the burgers on the George Foreman. I baked a chocolate cake and got the burgers and fixin's ready. Dortha brought beans, chips and some Queso Dip and we had a great afternoon visiting and eating and watching football.
We got serious about watching football about the last 2 minutes of the Brocnos/Chargers game. Those Broncos! They got a lucky break, they always give me heart failure the way they play. Dortha and Mark had some things they needed to get done, so they left soon after the game was over. We sure enjoyed their company and wish to thank Joe (Speedy) and Sherri for getting them to come into the RV-Dreams chat room so we could meet them!
It's been another great day!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
We DO Barbeque!
But first, we had to make a stop at "The Tradition of Charm", a local gift shop in Red Bay that advertised items for your motorhome. Well, we didn't find anything we couldn't live without, but it was fun looking.

We arrived at the Riverfest and got started looking around at all the different barbeque teams set up all over the place. Mark has found a good one!

One of the exciting moments of the day came when we stopped in at the Hospitality Tent to sit in the shade for awhile. As I took the camera strap off my shoulder, I caught my earring and it flew off. I saw it go, but when we started looking, we could not find it in the grass. Imagine 4 adults crawling around in the grass under a table. We soon had 3 or 4 other folks join us, searching the grass for my missing earring. I finally gave up, as did most of the others. But not Mark. He and Jim took a break and went for a walk, but when they came back, Mark had to look one more time - and of course, he found it! Thanks again, Mark! I'm glad you're that persistent!
Friday, September 12, 2008
What - A "Do-Nothing" Day!?
Otherwise, I've prepared 2 reasonably healthy meals, read blogs and journals, and watched the progress of Ike, while saying prayers for our friends and relatives in its path.
We slept in until the roar in engines told us the parade to the service bays had begun. When I was out walking the dogs, I came across Dortha and Mark, they got finished at the paint facility which is about 5 miles from here in Belmont, Mississippi, and had their coach back over to the service bay just after 7:00.
Jim fixed up a little stop in the bottom of the cabinet that got the new vent installed, so things don't slip into the vent area and cut off the circulation.
This is looking up at the bottom of the cabinet, with the new vent:

Here's the front of the cabinet, with the vent at the top (this was original with the motor home):
The little piece of trim on the bottom shelf will keep things from falling into the vent:
I received a message from Glenn and Sylvia of Avery's Wanderings yesterday, letting me know they would be in Red Bay on Monday. They are part of the RV-Dreams family, having sold their house and gone fulltime this year. Soon after they got on the road, Glenn had a heart attack, but that didn't slow him down much, and once he completed his rehabilitation, they were once more traveling. We'll try to get together with them in the next couple of days.
Tomorrow, we're going to Deactur, Alabama to witness and experience the Official Alabama State BBQ Cook-off. Decatur is about 60 miles or so east of Red Bay. We're taking Mark and Dortha, so it should be another fun day.