Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Years!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
This and That
Hard to see in this one, but the awnings on these 5th wheels are nearly touching.
A rew rigs left today, but were quickly replaced. Well, in a few days, we'll be off and rolling again, and we'll hopefully get a break from feeling like sardines.
Friends of ours, Marie and Louis, left a comment on yesterday's entry. They asked about Mr. Bo Jangles and Jasmine, so I thought I'd answer their question and talk about being fulltimers with dogs. Mr. Bo Jangles met Strumpor, Marie & Louis' "schnoodle" when they were both puppies. Mr. BJ (Bobo) was agressive then and he still is, to some extent. The introduction of Jasmine, our female miniature schnauzer, settled him down quite a bit. He didn't like her at first, but after a few weeks, he decided she wasn't so bad. They are good little travelers, but I do have to work with them when we're out walking in RV parks and we meet other dogs. They don't "meet and greet" other dogs very well. Some dogs are pretty mellow about saying "hi" to other dogs, and some are not. Mine are not. They usually do better the second or third time they meet another dog.
When we are traveling, each dog is in an individual harness which is hooked into a seat belt on the sofa. We also crate them when we're gone. We believe they do less barking and stay calmer while we're gone if they are in their crates. They also sleep in their crates. I know a lot of people don't like to crate their dogs, and it took me awhile to be comfortable with it, but I understand dogs don't feel the same way we do about crating. They are secure and comfortable in their crates. We're more secure and comfortable when they are too, so it works for us. The crates get moved to the bed during the day. At night, they are next to my side of the bed in a "condo" type arrangement; one is stacked on top of the other. We tried putting them out in the living area, but they like to be next to me, so that didn't work out.I groom them myself, which saves us at least $60 every month or so. I have all the equipment I need, including a grooming table. I bathe them in the shower, which is very easy with a long shower hose and a low clearence getting into the shower stall.
Jazz likes to sit in my lap, and if I have the laptop there, too bad!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hanging Out With the Family
Here's a picture of Morro Rock - it's the little lump in the middle of the picture. This was taken from the "summit" we passed going west on 46 from the 101 to Highway 1.

Here's the mail box - 881 Nit Wit Ridge
From the elephant seal viewing area we could just see the Hearst Castle in the distance. We didn't have our 300 mm lense with us today, of course. But if you look closely, you can make out the castle on top of the hill. This is as close as we'll get to it this trip.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wanna go to Monterey for Lunch?
In another spot this lone seal was lounging.
Near the lone seal, this baby came out of the water and took a spot to rest.
At another stop, Jasmine wanted to be held. You can see the road over my right shoulder.
The skies were pretty cloudy and we got a little mist on the way to Monterey so a lot of pictures didn't turn out very well. I liked this shot though.
We got to Monterey around 1:00, not bad. We found a little out of the way deli and had sandwiches for lunch. We drove along the coast for quite a few miles before getting back on Highway 1 and heading back.
On the way back the skies were much clearer. We'd hoped for a good sunset but it wasn't all that great so we just kept going. Today I did all the driving and Jim did all the photography. Here's another of my favorite views.
We got back at almost 6:00. A great day!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Day Trip to Solvang & "Tag, You're It"
Here are a couple of sights of Solvang.
About a year and a half ago, a friend called me all excited and said she was at a place we just "Have to" put on our list of places to camp. The place was Lake Cachuma. So that went on the list. Last Christmas we were coming to California for the Good Sam Rose Parade Samboree, and we thought we might stay at Lake Cachuma prior to the GS event, but it didn't happen then. I originally planned our route this year to include it, but we ended up not coming up Highway 101, so we still didn't get there. Today, we went to Lake Cachuma to check it out. When we got home this afternoon, I noticed a comment from Fred Wishnie, reminding me that he and Jo stayed there too and recommending it. It looks like we will probably be heading there when we leave Paso Robles next Wednesday.
This is a view of Lake Cachuma from the observation turn-out on Highway 154, a few miles before the turn off to the campgrounds.
TAG - You're It!
I got "tagged" by Froggi Donna, who's blog, From the Lily Pad I follow. I had the pleasure of meeting Donna when we were staying in Austin, Texas and she'd just gotten to Luling, Texas. She's a fun woman with a great outlook on life. Here's what she says about the new game.
We all remember playing tag when we were kids...great way to get exercise and unless all your friends ganged up on you, the playing field was pretty equal. Well, I've discovered that we can play tag as bloggers.
So, here are the rules as I've modified them to fit our RV lifestyle:
- Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
- Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
- Share the 5 top places on your "want to see or want to see again" list.
- Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here are my 5 random and/or weird facts about myself:
- Like Froggi Donna, I was once a long distance operator, back in the "cord board" days
- I was the first woman power plant operator in Colorado Springs, Colorado
- I'm a second-generation native of Colorado Springs, and I have several grandchildren who are 4th generation natives
- One summer, when I was in my early 20's, I drove a tour car up (and down) Pikes Peak at least 2 times a day, and sometimes 3 times.
- I was the youngest of 4 children, and grew up being spoiled rotten (still am, in some people's opinion!)
The top 5 "Must See/See Again":
- The Oregon Coast - we've been there 3 times, that's just not enough
- Glacier National Park - haven't been there yet
- New England in the fall - I've been there, but Jim hasn't
- Charleston, South Carolina - we haven't been there yet
- Savannah, Georgia - we haven't been there yet
Who to tag, hopefully I get to these before any other of Froggi Donna's "Tags" do:
- Grant and Kathy, BirdingRVers, since they're the newest fulltimers we've just met
- Bobby and Shelly, Evans RV Adventures, we met them in Deming
- Ed and Marilyn, The Happy Wanderers, we haven't met them, but follow their blog
- Fred and Jo, Wandering Wishnies, because they're fun!
- Tony and Jackie, Living our RV Dream, we've been following thier blog since their trip to Alaska
Let the games begin! Everyone enjoy watching for the TAG posts from these folks - I'm headed off to let them know they've been TAGGED.
Thanks for the fun, Froggi!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Park Fills Up and We Meet Grant & Kathy
We chatted about our respective paths to becoming fulltimers. Again, we have found many commonalities as well as differences. But our love of RVing is something we definitely have in common. We'll get a chance to visit again tomorrow, I hope.
Tomorrow we are planning a day trip to Solvang, a Danish town which is about an hour and half south on the 101. That should be interesting!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
A Wonderful, Quiet Holiday
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve in Paso Robles

Then this afternoon we joined Ruth, Wayne, and Beverly to go to Avila Beach. Beverly had made reservations for Christmas Eve dinner at one of her favorite restaurants, Olde Point Inn, at the end of the Port San Luis pier. We got to the village early so we could walk around and enjoy the beach before dinner.
Here are Josh and I chatting.
While we were standing in the spot shown above, we noticed a small camera laying on a railing. We looked around but didn't see anyone. Jim took a look at the pictures on the camera and spent the next 30 minutes or so looking for the people shown in the pictures. There was a baby in many of the pictures, so we knew the family would be terribly disappointed if they lost that camera.
Finally, Jim spotted a man on a cell phone standing by the open door of his truck. He recognized him as the man in the pictures and walked over. The man realized Jim had his camera, so hung up his call to take the camera. He was so grateful! We were happy we could reunite the camera and it's rightful owner.
Here are a few more of my favorite beach pictures.
We enjoyed a fabulous dinner that included sauteed mushrooms, fried calamari, stuffed prawns and a variety of other goodies. Jim's cousin Beverly, who lives in Atascadero, is quite a wine afficianado. She brought along 2 bottles of wine for dinner. As the non-drinker in the group, I was the designated driver for the evening. We sang Christmas carols and enjoyed each other's company on the way home.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Son Josh Arrives!
It's a pretty big tree!
Here's the interesting thing about this tree. A couple of days ago we found a geocache here. The description of the location included a paragraph about this tree, describing how birds drilled holes in which to place acorns for their later use. The whole trunk of this huge old oak tree looks like this, with acorns stuck into it. Quite a sight.
I decided to take Josh for a drive over to the coast so we took 46 West to Highway 1 and drove down the coast a little ways to find a place to pull out and stare at the ocean for awhile. We needed the time to be together and discuss the things mothers and sons discuss. He's facing a hard time right now and we used the time to talk about our lives.
Back home, we were treated to In-N-Out Burgers delivered in person by Bev, Ruth, and Wayne. Then we decided to take a drive over to Morro Bay. On the way over, we talked about getting some sunset pictures from Morro Rock.
Here's Jim at the base of Morro Rock, watching the water and waiting for sunset.
One tiny part of Morro Rock. As a rock climber, Josh was really disappointed that climbing is not allowed here.
Josh is watching the waves crash against the rocks.
Sunset on the Pacific
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Back to the Beach
As a result of the restless night, I was a little slow and sluggish, not to mention cranky, when we got started this morning. I picked up a latte at Starbucks in the Target store, which helped my mood. Jim and I split up while we shopped. I can't tell you what I bought, because he will read the blog so you'll just have wait, like he will. We don't buy a bunch of presents for each other, but we still like to do stockings, so what I picked up was some surprises for that. I also picked up some items for our son, Josh's, stocking, since he will be here for the holiday.
After shopping, we headed to Jim's cousin, Bev's house. The 5 of us headed out in Uncle Wayne and Aunt Ruth's van for some beach time. We decided to go to Avila Beach, which is almost always sunny and warm. The temperature here was in the 20's last night, sunny and warm sounded great to us.
We drove around just enjoying the sun, listening to the waves, smelling the sea air, and enjoying the view.

Here's an elephant seal, enjoying the day as well.
I never get tired of taking pictures of little boats on the water
This pelican put on a little show for my camera
We ate lunch outside at Mr. Ricks in Avila Beach. Here are Aunt Ruth and Uncle Wayne taking it easy.
Here's a different view of the shore from under the pier
Ane one more view from the top of the pier.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday Before Christmas
Thursday, December 20, 2007
We Make it to the Pacific Ocean
The ever-present gull
This looks like a very well-fed ground squirrel, but I've never seen them so close to the ocean, so I'm not sure if that is what this little creature is.
I love the way the water shimmers in the bright sunlight
The waves were really crashing against Morro Rock
Today was our first trip out to the coast this visit, but I know it won't be the last. I'll try not to bore you all with endless Pacific Ocean pictures. Or maybe I will, but you can count on seeing more ocean pictures anyway.