Breakfast was next, followed by another walk with the dogs, and then it was time to set up my Wii. I have it set so the cables and hardware aren't too obvious. One of these days, we will figure out a way to thread the cables behind the tv so they aren't visible at all.
I exercised with the Wii Fit for about 30 minutes while Jim and Mark were off on a Camping World shopping excursion. I swear, these two guys like shopping (for boy things of course), as much or more than Dortha and I do! When they got back, Jim and I bowled with the Wii Sports until it was time for me to get ready for the big meeting.
I used to be faithful to the Weight Watchers program, going to meetings every Saturday morning with my walking buddy. In fact, we walked to the meetings, stopping by Starbucks for a skinny latte on our way. Unfortunately, when I retired from work, I also retired from Weight Watchers, which was a big mistake. After my weekend away, I'm getting my act together to get back on the program.
I asked Dortha if she wanted to go with me to this meeting, and she agreed, so off we went. I picked up all the new program material while there, so I'm set now, all I need to do is get back into the groove with the food and exercise plan. I do much better when I have the accountability of meetings, so I will be looking for WW meetings now as we travel. I am a lifetime member, so I will just have to pay the meeting fee until I get back to my goal weight.
We went to Souper Salad after the meeting and had, guess what - soup and salad! After that, we stopped at the local Publix grocery, and then back home. I spent most of the rest of the afternoon going over the books, reacquainting myself with the program.
Mark grilled pork chops for dinner, while Dortha and I collaborated on the side dishes. Dortha made a Weight Watchers Key Lime Pie which is just about the best thing I've tasted in a long time! What a treat that was!
Today's blog is certainly all about Weight Watchers! Tomorrow, though, I promise a whole different view. We're going to the Lynchburg area to tour Jack Daniels and another distillery. That ought to be fun!
Jim and Mark are getting it all figured out:

1 comment:
Yeah! sure they are getting it figured out...I see what they are really doing... I can figure that out. I could help them figure it out...with a beer I can figure out anything.
Joe and Sherri
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