We got a slower start today for a couple of reasons. First, we were expecting Pat and Mike McFall to stop by this morning with an order of Dri-Wash n' Guard for us. It was so nice to see them and get hugs and handshakes. What neat people! We are so fortunate to have met them, and hope to see them from time to time as our paths cross in this wonderful lifestyle. They are both in good health and spirits, well, Pat is still nursing a broken toe, but otherwise, they are doing well. They will be heading down to the Rio Grande Valley in the near future, and we wish them safe travel!
We knew we'd be changing back to central time today too, so we would gain an hour. And, we just wanted a slower day!
We pulled out of the Tallahassee RV Park right around 10 and headed to I-10 West. It was a pretty uneventful driving day, except that Jim's trip computer mysteriously reset itself when we stopped at a rest area and he turned the engine off. When he started the engine, the items he watches, trip distance, gallons of fuel used and miles per gallon, had all reset to zero. That happened two more times before we got here, so he is going to call Freightliner tomorrow to see if they can help him troubleshoot.
Here's that other Phaeton we keep following!

This is for JoAnn and Doug, who lived in Panama City, Florida for quite a long time! We got an email from them this morning, asking for a wave as we passed the sign:

The Blue Angels are based in Pensacola, Florida, so the underpasses are decorated accordingly:

Glenn and Sylvia are a couple of rows behind us, and Randy and Terry are here too, so it's nice to know we're among friends.
Almost as soon as we got parked, Dortha asked if we were ready to eat. She had planned to make WW friendly pizzas, so of course I said you bet! I threw together a salad and we went over to enjoy a delicious meal.
We all took a short walk this evening and are now settled in, enjoying a quiet night! Did I say how much we love this lifestyle?
1 comment:
Don't Darrell and Judy stay at Summerville Ala???
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