A few weeks back, just before we went to Burleson, I had a professional groomer do both Jasmine and BoJangles. She did a good job, but didn't trim them as closely as I usually do, so they were both looking pretty "fluffy" by now.
I decided to get Jim's hair done first, since I knew it wouldn't take very long, and he could then be on with his day. Then I started with Jasmine and got her all prettied up. By the time I started with Mr. Bo Jangles it was 12:30. It took me until almost 3:00 to get him done, then they both got showers.
Of course, then I had to clean up all the mess, just in time to fix "lupper". Luckily, we had leftovers so it wasn't much work to put the meal together.
While I was playing dog groomer, Jim went out with both cameras for a bird run, and came back with a few pretty nice photos.
An egret, watching for his next meal to swim by:

Why does it take longer for BJ and Jaz than it does for Jim?
At least you are able to do 3 clippings in a single day. Yesterday my wife gave our two dogs a shower (long overdue) and began grooming the larger one. Since he was still somewhat damp, even after the hair dryer, it was all scissors work getting the feet clipped and mats off. Since he will be completely dry today it will be the clippers to finish him off. I tell her it is the wrong time of year to turn him from a sheep dog to a skinny dog but she retorts that he has a coat. My dog is a Fox Terrier so she doesn't get clipped (or she turns grey instead of black, white & brown) but I'll probably use the scissors on her feet tonight and perhaps the clippers on her heiny. My scissors work on that heiny last night wasn't really satisfactory.
I got my hair but the other day...I guess you can see that in my photos. We don't have to cut Putz's hair she stays groomed. I remember Pepper she would get that facial hair in her eyes and it would actually bug her. We had to clip it to keep her happy. Some day I will tell you about Janet's dog and the trimming she got...
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