Jim wanted to go to Walmart. He left, but called me a few minutes later to tell me he saw a whole flock of sandhill cranes just a few miles up the road. Of course, his camera was on the desk here! He thought I might let Gordon know, in case he wanted to try to photograph them. I went over and let Gordon know, and he immediately took off to see if he could spot them. Later on he said he did see them, but they took off in flight before he could get many pictures.
While Jim was gone, I did some Wii Sports and Guitar Hero. Then I got a call from Karon, who was on her way to Rockport in the car to pick up her mother in law. Dan was moving the motor home to another COE park, and his mom was coming to visit, but didn't want to drive by herself. Since Karon was "in the neighborhood", she decided to stop in for a quick visit. She had never met Sandra and Gordon, although she's been following Sandra's blog for a couple of years now. Sandra and I went out to the highway to guide Karon and her mother in law, Janie, in to the rv park. It was great to see her, but she didn't stay long, she had quite a drive back to where they are staying.
Sandra came over after lunch to see if I could come out to play. We went for a walk around the neighborhood. At one house, we met one of the dogs who lives there. He joined us on our walk and came all the way back to the rv park with us.
I read for awhile this afternoon while Jim watched the football playoff games. Then, I took the dogs out for a walk a little later, and took a few pictures while I was out.
This is the park's marina, with the resident egret:
Jasmine and Bo Jangles on the fishing pier:
I made "skinny chimichangas" for an early dinner, a recipe in one of my Weight Watchers cookbooks. They turned out great, and are easy to make. After we ate, I wanted to go out one more time for some pictures. It was getting close to sunset, and the sky was pretty interesting.
The egret:

A snowy egret:

1 comment:
I do too Ellie...thanks for sharing yours with me. I love the outdoors.
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