About three quarters of a mile from the rv park, I came across a little bridge, where I saw a group of birds. Included in the group were a few Roseate Spoonbills. I watched them fishing for quite awhile. They are so interesting to watch. Their bills are designed to sweep back and forth through the water and grab on to whatever they can. I had to see if I could get any decent pictures with the little camera.
Spoonbills at breakfast:

I ended up walking 2.8 miles, a good morning walk!
After I got back, we ate a little breakfast and hung out for awhile. I had some e-mails to return, and talked to a couple of friends on the phone. We talked to Sandra about a day trip we'd been discussing. She and Gordon had suggested going on Sunday, but there are a couple of football games then, so Jim preferred going today. That worked out for Sandra and Gordon, so off we went.
Just up the road from the rv park is a resident family of 3 Sandhill Cranes. Here are 2 of the 3:

After our short tour of Seadrift, we headed over to Port O'Connor, a few miles away.
We stopped at a harbor there to take a few pictues. Sandra went to see about the hours at a shrimp house (on the left) and found it is closed for the winter. Then she took a picture of the harbor area:

This flower was in front of the restaurant:

I didn't feel like cooking when we got home, so we just put out sandwich fixin's for dinner, works for me!
Now we're all settled in for nice, quiet evening after a fine day.
Thanks for the pelican fix! Can't wait 'til we get to Rockport and I can see all of the neat birds you're seeing!
OK I am caught up to you now. I have been reading the best part of two days now. It is so good to read you again.
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