...But not quite! Once again, the alarm went off, the coffee went off, and we stumbled around at dark-thirty this morning. At least it's Friday! We thought they might want us to get done and out of the "Camp Red Bay" today to make room for other customers coming in, but nobody seems to be in a hurry around here.
We were at Bay #23, for the finishing touches on the paint jobs well before the 7:00 opening. We went to the customer lounge and pretty much stayed put most of the morning. The alignment hadn't been rescheduled yet, so we didn't know whether we were going to need to make a 45 mile trip or not today. As it turned out, we're going up to Florence, Alabama on Tuesday morning for the alignment.
Eventually, late morning, the paint folks turned us loose. Since we didn't know about anything else, we just brought the Castle back to site #13 and set ourselves up. We did have a couple of guys come over and finish up two small jobs right after lunch, but the rest of the day was just relaxing and enjoying the quiet.
This afternoon, we got together with our neighbors across the street, Sharon and Bob. They are here in their '08 Phaeton for some work on their tile floors. We've gotten together with them a couple of other evenings and had a good time, so we just continued this evening. Sharon has had several modifications made to their coach and knows quite a few of the "runway" workers, so she's been giving me some good ideas. I'm going to have some little "end tables" made that will provide a small shelf to set drinks on when we have visitors. Very clever, and it will match the countertops in the coach.
The "runway" work is usually done by Tiffin employees, or former employees after hours. They can't work on the property, so they go down the runway, just across the property line. Tiffin knows they do this, but they are ok with it, many people get extra cabinetry, carpet, electrical, etc., work done this way, and the workers make a little extra money on the side.
Bob and Sharon also have 2 mini schnauzers, so it's fun to get together with them and compare notes. We're going to potluck a barbeque tomorrow evening, maybe some of the other campers will join us.
Then we'll wait for Dortha and Mark (Moppah and Bud for the chat room folks) to arrive on Sunday. They have just taken delivery of their brand-new 2009 Phaeton. They have a few items they need to get resolved here. We can't wait to see them. We met them in person for the first time at the rv-dreams rally in Branson, in June.
It's been a great day!
1 comment:
Good to see that all is getting done and you will soon be on the road. Take care and eat some BBQ for Sherri and I. We will see you both later on I am sure.
Joe and Sherri
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