We have had a couple of pretty low-key days. Yesterday we drove into Tucson to attend the RV Show at Beaudry RV. They had a "free" Mexican lunch. That is, free, as long as we were with a sales person. We didn't mind, as we wanted to look at some pre-owned coaches. We saw a few new ones as well. One we liked somewhat was a 2006 Monaco Knight. But we didn't like it well enough to buy it on the spot. We still like our Bounder well enough!
We watched mystery shows on TV and went to bed early last night. Today we are trying to remember that most of the country is on daylight savings time, except Arizona, unless you're on the Navajo Indian Reservation. So, we didn't change any clocks, but we're still confused about what time it is! We just have to remember that we're the same as Pacific Time, an hour behind Mountain Time. We figure we'll just keep going to bed when we get sleepy and get up after we wake up. Most days that works just fine.
Today we prepared a welcome back meal for JoAnn and Doug, one of the couples we traveled with in Mexico. They arrived back here yesterday afternoon, but since they weren't sure if they would get back yesterday, they postponed their welcome meal to tonight. I made coleslaw and baked a carrot cake. Jim created a wonderful shrimp jambalya. We got caught up on their Mexico adventures and had a great visit.
I walked in the desert this morning, and saw a few interesting things to capture with pictures. I hope my readers aren't getting tired of Saguaro's.
Here's one with many arms, but I haven't yet found the one that supposedly has over 50.
This is an interesting shaped piece of wood that caught my attention.
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