Jim and I decided to board the dogs in a kennel while we were gone, because we didn't know how late we might get back. We visited 2 kennels in the area beforehand, and picked the one we felt most comfortable with, even though it was a more costly option. I took them over to the kennel early in the morning, and we were all ready to go by 8:45. It was hard to leave them, knowing they were most likely going to be there overnight! But, I felt a little better knowing they were in good hands in a clean, professionally run kennel with plenty of room and lots of play and running time.
We arrived in Progresso just about noon, got the cars parked and walked across the bridge into Mexico. That has to be the most crowded street I've ever been on! We walked through the crowds for a couple of blocks to the restaurant, Arturo's, and had a delicious lunch with great service. Mark and Dortha had eaten here before and knew it was a good choice. Then we all walked around and looked in several stores. Dortha got some ampicillan and we got some omeprazol capsules at about 1/4 of the cost we pay at Walmart. I also bought a pair of silver earrings and Jim got a bottle of Crown Royal. That was it for our puchases.
The sign on the bridge, indicating the border between the U.S. and Mexico:

Arturo's, where we ate lunch:

Rod and Deb enjoy their beer:

After we came back across the border, we went to a large flea market in Donna, Texas. We didn't have much time to look around, but it reminded me of the markets we saw in Arizona a couple of years ago. We also stopped at a vegetable market. I got a few peppers and onions for a good price.
It was time to get back on the road for the three-hour drive back to Rockport. We had a fairly uneventful drive, except for the part where we had to go past a brush fire. The smoke was so thick that for a few seconds, we couldn't see a thing. It is so dry here that any little spark can set off a blaze. This one could have been started by someone throwing a lit cigarette out a window from a passing vehicle, it was very close to the road and had burned quite a few acres, from what it looked like.

And a beautiful sunset on the way home:

We got back a little before 8 and said our "see ya's" to Terry and Randy, who were pulling out this morning. We sure hope to see them again, down the road. They are great folks!
This morning I picked up the dogs from the kennel. We were all pretty happy about that, it just isn't the same around here without them underfoot. I know many people who don't have pets because they don't like the structure or the confining nature of taking care of them. Sometimes, I grumble about having to get up, get dressed, and take them out every morning, rain or shine, cold or warm, but when it comes right down to it, I love them and love taking care of them. Jim grumbles too, but he feels pretty much like I do.
Dortha and I went to our Weight Watchers meeting as usual. We both had a loss, also as usual. I didn't lose much, but any loss is good! After the meeting, we came home and waited for the guys, who'd gone to the store and stopped to have lunch at The Diner. From what they said, it's a pretty good place to eat. Dortha and I had already decided today would not be an eating out day, so it was ok with us that the guys went out on their own.
We made an afternoon trip over to the beach park, where Dortha and I took off our shoes and walked the beach. We also walked a loop in the park, so we got a lot of our steps in this afternoon. Then it was time to come back home so Dortha could make her shrimp and pasta dish. I contributed a salad, and we had another wonderful meal.
Now we're settled in for the evening with a new season of Survivor. Does it get much better than this? Wait and see!
I totally understand about the pooches--I've never left Jazz in a kennel and I do her grooming because she hated going to the groomers and being left. I, too grumble sometimes especially when it is cold and I have to get out early to walk her but she is worth every minute and Michael loves her too! See you this afternoon.
I understand as well. Our two totally rule our fifth wheel. In fact they are the main reason we have a fifth wheel. We hated leaving them behind when we traveled. "Grandma" always moved into our house to "sit" with them, but we missed them too much. Yes, they can be a pain, but that tail wag makes it worth every minute:)
Holy cow! You drove all the way from Rockport to Progreso? I feel so spoiled having Progreso so close to us. It was not quite an hour when we were in Mission, and from here in Harlingen it's only about 30 minutes. Maybe that's why we've been there 4 times since we got down here.
We also ate at Arturo's one of those times and thought it was a really nice place with good food.
Glad to see you have a good time.
I can't believe you were that close to us and we didn't know. We could have met up with you and had a RV-Dreams Gathering south of the border, with hugs to give and receive. I guess we will have to wait for Kerrville.
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