Friday, February 27, 2009

Get Ready, Get Set....

And Go! Our last day in Rockport is tomorrow - Saturday. I can't quite grasp that we've been here six weeks now. We've gotten into quite a routine: morning coffee, walks, sightseeing, shopping, cleaning, preparing and eating wonderful meals. We've so enjoyed the time we've spent here with Dortha and Mark, and now Karen and Donnie.

But time marches on, and now we're looking forward to new places, new sights, new things to do and people to see. On Sunday morning, we'll load 'em up and head 'em out to Kerrville, where we'll spend just over a week before moving on. We'll be at Buckhorn RV Resort with several other RV'ing friends we've met through the RV-Dreams community. Both Jim and I are definitely looking forward to reconnecting with these folks, and meeting some of them for the first time.

Getting ready to go involves making sure everything is working order and set just right. After these six weeks sitting here, Jim has checked the tires and will finalize all the rest of the checks tomorrow. Today, we spent the day washing and drying The Castle till it sparkles. We have a little bit left to finish tomorrow, and I need to finish my window washing and get the inside ready to travel.

Karen and Donnie prepared a great dinner tonight - grilled burgers and grilled chicken, a yummy pineapple banana salad, fresh veggies, and Dortha brought the most wonderful apple dessert. Yes, we counted the points and ate sensibly. We have agreed to eat out tomorrow night so there will be no dish washing or clean up our last night here.

We will miss Rockport, but we know we'll be back here again, so we're ready to move on to our new adventures!

1 comment:

Speedy said...

I know you can't wait to see me.
