Saturday, March 15, 2008

Big Decision and Flowers in the Desert

Our coffee was especially good this morning, with a big decision handled. A few weeks ago I mentioned that we were considering trading in our 2004 Bounder for a new motor home. We found one we liked but didn't get it at the time.

Well, we've all but closed the deal. Our decision is based on the desire to continue living the fulltime lifestyle for the foreseeable future and wanting to be comfortable in our home. When we bought our Bounder, we didn't choose it with the idea of living in it full time. Now that we've spent over a year in it, we realize we want a little more room, especially in the galley.

Next Thursday, we expect to take delivery of our new, 2008 Tiffin Phaeton.

This afternoon, we went for a walk in the desert and took more pictures of the wildflowers. Every time we go out, we are seeing more blooms.

Right at the tip of the Ocotillo branch, the orange-red buds are just starting to pop out.

And to close out the day in the best techni-color, we were treated to another beautiful sunset.

It was a fine day.


Donna McNicol said...

I'm so excited for you two! Tiffin is number one in my estimation. Congratulations!!

dreamjosie said...

Ha! I knew it was just a matter of time. Congratulations on the new motorhome. I know how you struggled with that decision, but I'm sure it was the right one. Can't wait to see it. You must be very excited.


Our Blog to Freedom! said...

I knew you would be getting one soon...I could tell you both were anxious to get something new. Which floorplan do you have?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new motorhome I love your pictures. I live in Prescott Ontario we have snow, snow and more snow. We love the beautiful pictures you take. When I read the part about how boring when bloggers talk about mundane things in their lives I was mad. It is so beautiful that you two have the health and opportunity to live this you are extremely lucky people!!

Eileen & Tony said...

Congratulations on the new MH!! Can't wait to see pics of it.
