I also got my Valentine's day present to myself - a map program for my Garmin eTrex Legend GPS. I use this GPS mainly for geocaching, but it didn't come with pre-loaded maps so it has been fairly limited in it's usefulness. I ordered the North American Maps, which came on a mini-SD card about the size of my little fingernail. I spent some time playing with the new features, and I think this is going to be really handy when we're out on day trips, as well as making getting to geocaches a lot easier.
That brings us up to today. It was still cleaning time, only today, I got all the bed linens together, including the dog's beds, and piled it all in the car to take to the little laundry here at the rv park. While that was in the washer, I walked a couple of laps around the park. Then I got the laundry into the dryer and walked another loop. When all of that got finished and I was back at home, I was still in cleaning mode and got both dogs washed, then got my shower.
Mark and Dortha were heading out to Walmart, so we joined them for a quick shopping trip. Jim and Mark also wanted to check out the location for their planned fishing trip this week, so we rode the ferry over to Port Aransas and located the place they need to be on Thursday morning.
We got back home and relaxed for a little while before we met Janna and Mike at The Big Fisherman for dinner this evening. They are heading out tomorrow, so we wanted to see them one more time. We hope to get up to Montana for a visit with them this summer, if our jello plans work out. We had a nice dinner and visit, and wished them safe travels. It was great getting to visit with them.
It was time to head back home and feed our dogs and get settled in for the night. Tomorrow is another day!
Well it sure is good to see you again. You know we have been in Wills Point this weekend. We had Sarah's birthday party Saturday and enjoyed the time with the kids. Now I am back at work and reading your adventures once more.
Hey,if you get up Montana way it is only a few more hours to God's country up in Alberta. We will be in exile up there for the summer and would love to see folks enjoying our Canadian Rockies.
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