After he left, I was out walking and saw a great blue heron standing in the creek. Where’s the camera with the 300 mm lens? Oh, of course, Jim took it with him. Since I didn’t get a picture of the heron, I’ll post one he took of a peacock that was wandering around the fields.

A couple of days ago, I realized that we will be arriving in South Dakota just before the July 4th holiday, which meant we should probably think about reservations. I researched a little bit and decided to call Broken Arrow Campground near Custer. Luckily, they still had 2 partial hookup sites available, so I went ahead and made a reservation. The research I did consisted of looking on the Escapees Discussion Forum and consulting I also looked at the campground’s website, and tried to find the campground on Google Earth. However, it’s a new campground, so it doesn’t show on there. I was impressed with the reviews and the friendliness of the staff member I spoke with on the phone.
When Jim got home, he asked if I wanted to go out to eat. We decided to go to Carrabbas Italian Grill. It has been quite a while since we’ve been there. When we got there, we found they weren’t going to be open for nearly an hour, so I suggested we take a drive up by the Broadmoor Hotel, so I could take a few pictures.
Here’s a view of the front of the main hotel, with the mountains in the background.

We drove around behind the hotel, past the golf course. Jim pulled in to a maintenance area and I was able to take this picture of Broadmoor South across the golf course. I’m not sure if you can see them, but the rocks of the Garden of the Gods are in the far background.

We headed back to Carrabbas, where I had my favorite - Chicken Marsala. Yum!
As we were driving back towards the main road leading to the interstate, we were treated to this family drama.
Here are the parents, warning their child of the dangers of the busy street.

The parents are getting serious!
“Alright, Alright! I’m going, I’m going!” Whew. The gosling headed back to the safety of the pond, followed by the adults.
Back home, we're settled in for an evening with Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, and the RV-Dreams Chat room.
What a life.
No, Ellie I never did find the mattress cover--maybe someone snuck in here this winter while we were gone and stole it?? HA! I love the photos of the geese.
Sorry I missed most of you on chat tonight. I am trying to finish up this season here. Yearbooks are going out the backdoor now and I wont be on this shift but for 3 more weeks. Then it is back to 7:00to 3:30.
Joe and Sherri
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