Wednesday, I went to my friend, Karen's, house to help her with a couple of computer items, plus show her how to use her GPS for geocaching. We got her account set up on and saw that there are many caches in her area of town. We picked the one that appeared to be nearest her house and walked to it. She used her GPS and led us right to it.
That evening, the 4 of us went to dinner at a local German restaurant. It was delicious! We enjoyed the evening together, and it was hard to say our "see ya laters", knowing it might be close to a year before we get back here. Maybe they'll take a trip sometime and come see us!
This is the patio at Edelweiss Restaurant:
And at the table, Karen, Jim, and Karen's husband, Chris.
Yesterday was also busy, starting to get the motor home ready to travel. We also entertained my nephew, Rick and his wife, Marilia, for dinner last night. I made a King Ranch Chicken Casserole and Jim fixed our salad.
I guess yesterday was also my day to get lousy customer service! I wanted to get my hair trimmed, so I stopped in at a Fantastic Sam's. I have never particularly liked them, but it was handy, so I went in. They got me right in and the girl who cut my hair seemed nice. But when I asked her to blow dry my hair since I was about to go to the grocery store, she giggled and said she was sorry but she had a 2:00 appointment so she didn't have time. Gee, I didn't have time to give her a tip!
Then, when I checked our Directv bill which is automatically deducted from the checking account, I was surprised that it was $10 higher than I expected. When I looked closely at the bill, I discovered we'd been charged for HD service, which I cancelled last month. I called them, but instead of refunding my $10 right now, their computer system will only allow them to issue a credit on next month's bill. Sheesh! I expressed my frustration at them getting to use my money for a month when it was their mistake, but it didn't do me any good.
This morning, my sister's swim group put on a breakfast for her to celebrate her latest retirement. Yesterday was her last day of work -- at least for now. She's the type of person who probably won't ever stop working with visually handicapped children in one way or another. Thank goodness we have people like her in this world!
Ann gets a hug from Jim:

When we came home today, we started back in on the motor home. We still have a few things left to do before we leave Sunday, but we have a great start!
Last week, there was a lot of snow on Pikes Peak. Not so much now, it's finally warming up.

The next few days are supposed to be even warmer!
1 comment:
I wish I had some of the snow from Pikes Peak here. It has been hot and it will get hotter. Oh well it is that time of year. I will be glad when Sherri and I can hook up and go north...Yea
Joe and Sherri
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