We opted out of going to the first seminar, "Getting Ready to Fulltime" for a couple of reasons. The main one being that it started at 8:00 a.m! And, if we're not ready by now, we probably never will be.
I used that time to begin preparing for the open house to be held in the afternoon. I am always amazed how things can accumulate! Especially with the rally going on. We got a packet of brochures and advertisements when we first checked in last Friday. I got a folder of handouts from the computer class on Monday and Tuesday. We got not one, but two bags of information (including duplicates of the ones we got at check-in) from the rally registration on Wednesday. I needed to sort through the stack and deal with the extra clutter.
At 11:00 we attended the seminar on financial management, which was very informative. As usual with this type of presentation, I came out with questions and resolve to learn more about the sometimes confusing, but always important, world of finance.
After the seminar, it was time to put the finishing touches on the Castle for open house. The schedule incuded 2, two hour time slots. We were in the earlier group, from 2 to 4 pm. Karon agreed to help me here, since they were not having their Discovery open. She provided a much needed safe zone for Jasmine, who tends to be vocal when people come in. And come in they did. We had a constant stream of folks coming through for most of the two hours. I'd hoped to take a break to see the other open rigs in our time slot, but that didn't happen. After our time was up, Karon and I visited a few of the other rigs open in the later time slot. There are some very beautiful units here.
In a weak moment, I agreed to participate as a "model" in the rv-dreams fashion show after dinner. We were treated to a wonderful meal that included dessert first! Then it was time to get prepared for the show.
Dale Bruss started off by modeling her outfit for cleaning the outside of the rig:
Jerry Bertlesen modeled his favorite RV hat.
Jenny Johnson finds a geocache in her outdoors attire:
Tim Thorpe shared his Sturgis Motorcycle Rally party hat
Linda has a special outfit for coloring her hair

Jeff, "RV-Dude" Peterson hunting "cougar"
Marilyn Dray demonstrated her robe and "undie-hair-net"

I had to share my early morning dog-walking attire. Since I couldn't bring my real dogs into the building, Jenny loaned me her "dog" Spot. Thanks, Jenny!

It was a fun night. After the festivities, people once again gathered under the big top for cards, dominoe games and internet cafe for chat. The days are going so fast sometimes it's a blur, but we are having a great time at our first rally!
Hey Missy, it looks to me like you're having waaaay too much fun!! What's this about pizza and ice cream? Is that on your diet??? LOL Carol
Hi Ellie, You guys sure are having fun, and I am so glad that you can share it with us.
Jenny seems to have trained Spot well, it must have been all those miles on the bus. He looks like a good doggie, and I don't think that you will need that poopy bag !!
Please give Jenny a hug for me, so sad for it to happen right now.
Also hugs to Jaz and Bo.
Happy Trails, Penny,TX
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