The plan for today was to climb Enchanted Rock, which we've been hearing about for a long time. Jim graciously volunteered to miss the climb and go find us a new coffee pot. We knew there is a Bed Bath and Beyond back towards San Antonio, and that he'd be able to find what we wanted there, so we went our separate ways today.
I rode with Mark and Dortha. Also along for the climb were Deb and Rod, Donna and Nolan, and Karen and Donnie. Enchanted Rock State Park is about 15 miles north of Fredericksburg, which is about 25 miles or so from Kerrville. The rock itself is a very large dome-shaped rock. The distance to the top of the rock is listed on the park's map as .6 miles, but it climbs 425 ft in those six tenths of a mile. Since once you get on the rock thre really isn't a defined trail, I'm not sure how they came up with that six tenths of a mile, it sure seemed like a lot further than that when we were climbing it. We left Buckhorn RV Resort around 10 this morning and caravaned to the state park. Here's a synopsis of the adventure.
From left to right, front to back is Deb, Karen, Nolan, Donna, Dortha, Mark, Donnie and Rod. Everyone is ready to go, with appropriate shoes, water and energy. Enchanted Rock is behind the group:

Are we there yet?

I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready for a break!

Hey, we're doin' good - almost there!

We managed to get back down the Enchanted Rock and stopped at Subway in Fredericksburg for sandwiches before heading back to Buckhorn. When we got here, my first thought was to check out the hot tub! Oh, well, maybe saying hello to Jim and the dogs was actually first. And yes, Jim was successful at replacing the coffee pot. And yes, it was worth a 60 mile, one way, drive to get it.
We went to the hot tub and soaked away our cares for a while, joined by Dortha and Mark. It was then time to relax with a beverage for a little while before getting ready to attend the dinner being put on by the resort. We enjoyed the dinner of pork loin, carrots and mashed potatoes, roll and chocolate cake, and the company. I'm sure there will be lots of pictures posted on various blogs, as the cameras were flashing all over the place.
Now, to work backwards to yesterday. We had our walks in the morning, and then went into Kerrville to run some errands and have a quick sandwich at Subway. The plans for the evening for most people were to have a pot luck of beans and cornbread to celebrate Texas Independence day. However, we'd been invited to dinner at Jo and Fred Wishnie's house. They found out that we were coming to Kerrville for the "Gathering" and decided to switch some of their plans to come here. They are staying at a different park, so we went over there. Fred prepared his awesome meatloaf, Jo fixed roasted asapargus and mashed potatoes, and we brought a salad. It was so good to see them again and get caught up on all the adventures we've both had over the last year.
Jenny, this picture's for you:

After dinner, we sat for "family portraits"

We really had a great visit with the Wandering Wishnies.
More RV-Dreamers are expected over the next few days...stay tuned for more adventures.
I can't believe you all climbed up that rock!! I was beat just climbing up to the cliff dwellings that other day and it wasn't nearly as steep. My hat's off to all of you! ;)
Glad to see you're having fun. Give big hugs to Dortha and Deb and the guys for us.
Well looks like you are having a good time down there. We will see you Friday so save some time for us. Sherri will be home Thursday to get ready and we hope to leave out around 9:00 or so...putting us there around 4:00...see you then
Joe and Sherri
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