Jim wrapped Jacob's present, a basketball, in one dollar bills. Here they are, unwrapping and counting!

I took the camera on our walk this morning. I keep talking about what we see, but haven't posted any pictures.
Do you see this squirrel laughing? Mr. BoJangles' all-time favorite activity is chasing squirrels. I know this one knows that the dogs are on leash, and it's so enjoying knowing that!
I don't think anyone lives in this nest, but I see it every day, and it just looks so inviting!

This is one of the dozen or so rabbits that live in the campground. It decided to hunker down and not move when we came by this morning, so I was able to get a fairly decent picture of it.

Jim took this of Pikes Peak as we were out and about today. I don't mind the snow up there, as long as it stays there, not down here.
Jasmine went to the veterinarian today for a check up and a shot. Mr. BJ will go on Monday.
We went to lunch at our favorite Chinese Restaurant and did some shopping later this afternoon. Shopping is a whole different experience these days. Back in the Sticks & Bricks days, I would have gone home with several bags of "stuff" from an outing like today. But now, I mainly just look. I did buy 2 paperback books, a scrub brush and 2 little tubes of lotion. Jim bought one paperback book. Once we've read these books, they will get passed along to someone else!
It's been another wonderful day!
1 comment:
Ellie I was born in Childress Texas on January the 12 1947. Now I know that Childress has changed some since then but I also know that Jacob will turn out to be a fine young man as I did...Ok Ellie and Jim there is No hope for me but I know he will do great things in life. Congratulations fellow Childress TX Born person.
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