There's a storm coming through the area we're traveling through and going to. It doesn't appear to be a major storm, but we've lived in Colorado enough years to understand that just because the calendar says it's mid-April, doesn't mean it can't dump a foot or so of snow. We don't want to, nor do we need to, travel through or into that.
We'll stay one more night here at Dreamcatcher, then move to Bird Watcher's RV park tomorrow and spend 2 nights there. We'll continue north on Friday, when the storm is supposed to be gone, and arrive in Colorado Springs on Saturday.
Today turned into a study day. The big bag of manuals came out of the storage compartment and we went through several manuals. Lots more to study though. All in good time!
We did some work on the Roadmaster Even Brake system for the car, and finally determined that our motorhome monitor is dead. We should get a message on the monitor's screen when it's plugged in, and there's nothing. We called Camping World, since they are the vendor for this particular model, and they researched it for us. It's still under warranty, so they will work on getting it going again.
I baked some chicken breasts and potatoes for Linner, and we've had a quiet, peaceful day. Since we haven't unhooked the car, we're just staying put. Not many photo opportunities, this isn't exactly a dream of an RV park.
There's a yard next to the clubhouse here. In the yard is a sign warning of no pets allowed on the grass. The rabbits in the area must be able to read the sign, as last night when we walked by, there were well over a dozen rabbits in this yard. Here, Bo Jangles and Jazz are recollecting all the rabbits they saw last night:

If you look closely in the center of this picture, you'll see one of those rabbits on the perimeter of the park.

And the view to the North:

Here's the view of our motor home with the little white Saturn behind it.

This afternoon, the clouds have started to gather and the wind has returned.
What a nice day we've had.
Ellie, you might not think that is a dream of an RV Park but if you had been in some of the nightmare Parks we have stayed in you would think you were in heaven! LOL. Pictures are nice. Did you learn anything from your manuals?
When you get to Birdwatcher's, please say "hello" to Jackie for me. Tell her I am the lady who stayed with them at just this time of year in 2006, and took all the pictures of her and her cat. We live in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Don't know if she will remember me or not, but I had fun photographing her cat. Did a good portrait of Jackie, too. She is a kick.
Virtual hugs,
Judie Ashford
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