I got in m morning walk and got a few extra steps in. Below is the area where I walk -- wide open and no rigs. Although this morning there was another woman with two big dogs down there, so I stayed at the opposite side of the loop and zig-zagged through the empty sites.

Jim went to do shopping for our grandson, Jacob's, birthday tomorrow. While he was out, he decided to do our laundry at a laundromat he'd seen near the shopping center. I puttered around the house, worked on some knitting and watched the birds at the bird feeder while he was gone.
Here's a view of the upper level of the campground, just across from where we are.

We've got at least three finch families using our bird feeder. I can differentiate all three males. A male and female will stay at the feeder together, but not two males. They fight each other off, just like hummingbirds do. This afternoon I noted a new bird there - a little house sparrow. It's very entertaining to watch the activity!
Today has been one of my favorite kinds of days. Not too much going on, a quiet and peaceful day!
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