This is before the grooming started, while they were still in a playful mood. People have asked me how they get along and how they travel. Mr. BJ didn't care much for Jasmine when she first joined our family, but now they are best buds. As far as traveling, they seem to enjoy their explorations when we get to new places. They've learned to recognize when we're getting ready to move. Once we're underway, they just take a nap.
They enjoy a good tug-of-war with the rope!

My grooming routine is to bathe each dog before starting the actual grooming. Today was their first bath in the new home. It worked out fine. We have a garden tub that is a good size. The water faucet is down low, so it's really very handy for this purpose. Much easier than our previous motor home.
I started with Jasmine and got her finished before lunch. I took a break and got Mr. BJ done early this afternoon. They're both looking clean and trim. However, they wanted to nap this afternoon instead of getting their picture taken.
As we've been out and about, I've been noticing interesting details in the architecture of the area. I liked these windows.

One of my readers, Tom, pointed out in yesterday's entry that my peanut butter jar lid is not on straight. Right you are, Tom -- here it is if you missed it. I'll make sure that gets on my To-Do list!
It's been another beautiful day in the desert!
1 comment:
And I thought that only happened on CSI shows. They see all kinds of things in their photos.
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