I checked Google Earth for the nearest Ross, and off we went. Nothing struck our fancy there, but there was a Marshall's right next to the Ross, so we looked there. Jim found what he wanted, so we're now the proud owners of a footstool that has a removable top so we can store a few things out of sight.
JoAnn and Doug were hosting Jo and Fred, and us for dinner. I took the bottomless salad we've been sharing for several days. Jo brought cookies, and JoAnn cooked the most delicious baked spaghetti! We had a lively discussion and ended up tentatively arranging a trip to Mexico in the near future. JoAnn and Doug have taken a Tracks to Adventure tour but would like to go on their own. Jo and Fred have talked about camping in Mexico, but everyone was hesitant to go on their own. We decided it would be fun and safer to go together. We don't have any definite plans until late March when my sister, Ann and brother in law Bob, are visiting the Phoenix area. We have reservations in Apache Junction, but because we made them late, we don't have a deposit, so it won't cost us to change it to later on. We can just stay here in Tucson until after we go to Mexico.
Ellie, JoAnn, Jo, and Fred around the table at JoAnn & Doug's house.
Doug is ready to take a picture, while Ellie watches.
Doug and Jim both need to get some dental work done, so the four of us are going to Nogales for the day on Wednesday. Doug made the appointments for he and Jim.
This morning, Jim wanted to get the oil changed on the Saturn and send a package to son Josh. I wanted to explore the desert, so I took the dogs and set off while he was gone. I had a good long walk, about 2.5 miles round trip.
Jazz and Mr. BJ take a little break in the chairs that we find in the desert.
A panoramic view to the west from the desert.
Gateway Mountain framed by Saguaros.
Ouch! These things can hurt you if you're not careful!
This afternoon, I visited with Jo and Fred for a bit to talk about our research finds on the Mexico trip. Then I stopped by JoAnn and Doug's to carry on the discussion a little further. We don't have specific dates yet, but we're narrowing down the campground selection. Jo and Fred have a copy of the book by Mike and Terri Church, Mexican Camping, which is getting passed around so we can all read it.
I heard about a bakery in Tucson that sounded pretty tasty, called Beyond Bread. On the spur of the moment this afternoon, we decided to go see if they had any brownies. Anytime we go somewhere in Tucson, we know we're in for a ride. But it was worth it, oh my goodness. That is quite a place. They also have soups and sandwiches, but their bakery goods can put weight on a toothpick just looking!
Tomorrow, we may visit the Desert Museum. Our plans are set in jello, as usual.
Oooooh, you found Beyond Bread. I neglected to mention that in my blog last month when we were here. They have the greatest artisan breads. It's another on my "to do" list while we are here.
Hi Ellie and Jim, Shelly and I are enjoying reading your blog and seeing all your pictures. Hope you remember us from the Escapees park in Deming? We read that you may be coming to the Apache Junction/Mesa area sometime? We are in Mesa (just west of AJ) @ Mesa Spirit RV Resort between Main and University. We should be here until early May, so if you come to this neck of the desert, give us a yell and maybe we can get together again.
Loving life,
Bobby and Shelly Evans
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