We would have left 15 minutes earlier, but a neighbor came to visit Jim as he was just finishing the hook-up of our car, causing him to get distracted and temporarily misplace the car keys. Now I love people, and can spend hours visiting, but isn't there a rule with RVers about not interrupting each other when we're setting up or getting ready to pull out?
Ok, rant over. We had a fine trip from Boerne to Rockport, Texas in under 4 hours. Our friend Karon, told us about a back way into Rockport so we avoided a lot of traffic.
We're staying at The Lagoons, which is reportedly "the best" rv park in Rockport. I wasn't too impressed with the welcome, when I found out they raised their prices and would not honor the price quoted when I paid a $100 deposit. There's also a $20 pet fee. That made our 1-month stay cost $399 plus electricity. Overall, that's not a bad price for a "resort" style park. There is an indoor pool and spa, the roads and pads are all concrete and there's a little patch of grass at each site. They have laundry facilities as well. While we're here, I'm sure we will explore other rv parks and next time will probably try a different one. Right now the sites on either side of us are open, but once they fill up, it will be tight quarters.
Here's our rig, from across the site next to us.

After we got set up, we found a local Mexican Restaurant recommended by Karon, and had a light supper. We then drove around to begin exploring the area.
I love the water. I was born and raised in landlocked Colorado, but when I first went to the ocean as an adult, I wondered why I hadn't been raised by the water because I love it so. My sister, Ann, is the same way. We could sit for hours on end, just staring at the waves.

I haven't had an opportunity to try to figure out what's going on with my pictures, some of them will expand, and some won't. I hope to do some more research into this mystery soon. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.
I am going to love it here. There are a lot of things to do and explore, so we'll stay busy.
When we leave in a month, I will be sad for a little while, but knowing we're heading to more big water, the Pacific Ocean, I will be ok.
Ok, rant over. We had a fine trip from Boerne to Rockport, Texas in under 4 hours. Our friend Karon, told us about a back way into Rockport so we avoided a lot of traffic.
We're staying at The Lagoons, which is reportedly "the best" rv park in Rockport. I wasn't too impressed with the welcome, when I found out they raised their prices and would not honor the price quoted when I paid a $100 deposit. There's also a $20 pet fee. That made our 1-month stay cost $399 plus electricity. Overall, that's not a bad price for a "resort" style park. There is an indoor pool and spa, the roads and pads are all concrete and there's a little patch of grass at each site. They have laundry facilities as well. While we're here, I'm sure we will explore other rv parks and next time will probably try a different one. Right now the sites on either side of us are open, but once they fill up, it will be tight quarters.
Here's our rig, from across the site next to us.

After we got set up, we found a local Mexican Restaurant recommended by Karon, and had a light supper. We then drove around to begin exploring the area.
I love the water. I was born and raised in landlocked Colorado, but when I first went to the ocean as an adult, I wondered why I hadn't been raised by the water because I love it so. My sister, Ann, is the same way. We could sit for hours on end, just staring at the waves.
There is a bird in this picture, I know it's hard to see, but I think it may be a Sandhill Crane.
I haven't had an opportunity to try to figure out what's going on with my pictures, some of them will expand, and some won't. I hope to do some more research into this mystery soon. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.
I am going to love it here. There are a lot of things to do and explore, so we'll stay busy.
When we leave in a month, I will be sad for a little while, but knowing we're heading to more big water, the Pacific Ocean, I will be ok.
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